My name is Dr Shahzad I am a vestibular physical therapist who specializes in the treatment and evaluation of dizziness and vertigo inner ear dysfunction and I’m here to dispel some myths about Meine uh which is an antimotion sickness drug that can be used um in our patient population or for people who are dizzy um it’s getting a little bit of bad rrap for a pretty good reason however there is a time and place to utilize it and that’s what I’m hoping to uh talk about today so Meine is an a drug that a uh physician or somebody might
prescribe to patients if they’re having complaints of dizziness um it’s very easy to get your hands on it’s very inexpensive and it is good at suppressing that inner ear or vestibular system to prevent us from getting too dizzy however if we are on it for too long of periods times or inappropriately for maybe just some mild chronic dizziness it can actually potentially make you feel worse down the road so when should we use Meine or these anti-motion sickness medications like Dramamine or Bonine we should use
them when you’re having acute episodes of room spinning vertigo that really just render you nonfunctional really taken away from quality of life a lot times we see this for people who have a very uh sudden onset of loss function of one of their inner ears and you can see this with a vestibular neuritis most commonly um labyrinthitis other people who might have severe episodes of room spinning ver go that lasts more than a couple of seconds would include U man’s disease um so with that being said yeah if you are in a moment of Crisis and
are feeling absolutely awful um it is also an antiemetic so it will help kind of uh keep that nausea down um you want to take something in those instances however if you just have this chronic sense of imbalance or dizziness rocking swaying we want to get off that Meine we want to allow your vestibular system to not be suppressed so that it can move and function learn how to get better um there is a difference between the different things over the shelf so you can get Meine for a prescription from your physician or
from urgent care or whoever might be writing those prescriptions for you or you can simply get something over the counter right off the shelf at your grocery store there is Dramamine Dramamine less drowsy and then there’s Bon um Dramamine less drowsy and Bon both have Meine as the active ingredient in their um formula when you look at Reg Dramamine or Dramamine original they have D dihydrate which is a more effective motion sickness medication however it has that more longer lasting effect of making you feel more drowsy so if
need to be able functional during the day and you don’t want to just sleep it off you can always look for that Bonine or uh Dramamine less drowsy if you’re really going through it you’re really feeling awful room spinning severe uh motion sickness dizziness nausea vomiting you want to look for that uh Dramamine original hope this was helpful uh if you like some of this content be sure to follow us and we’ll talk to you guys again soon.