Hi this is josh pharmacist with pharmaciststips.com here with an overview of the medication meclizine remember as with all my articles informational purposes only speak to your health care provider before taking any new medication meclizine what is it it’s uh antihistamine actually it’s sold in the us under brand name bonnie less drowsy dramamine travelees many different um store brands of mechazine mostly sold over the counter but occasionally we see it filled as a prescription it is used to treat motion sickness and
vertigo when you buy it over the counter make sure you always read the package instructions completely before using so the dosage typically for motion sickness we see 25 to 50 milligrams one hour prior travel and then that would be repeated every day during travel so once every day during travel vertigo and dizziness we see 25 to 100 milligrams per day often divided up so we can see 25 milligrams you know anywhere from two to three maybe even four times a day depending on the severity of dizziness and the vertigo
tablets available in 12 and a half 25 milligram tablets oftentimes they’re available in regular tablets as well chewable chewable are handy when you’re traveling as you don’t need water to take them so side effects are usually mild uh mechazine tends to be tolerated really well by most people it can sometimes affect your blood pressure cause a decrease in blood pressure so you need to be careful that occasionally we can see it affect the heart rate rash and itchiness can occur we see some dry mouth and decreased appetite as well
constipation and urinary retention some of the anticholinergic side effects we have to watch out for those okay so a few more key points here with meclizine typically we see that start to work in about an hour that’s why we see it dosed an hour prior to travel it will uh on set of action about one hour typically it lasts a full day duration of action about 24 hours again we do need to be cautious with that drowsiness typically people are fine during the day but it could reduce your reaction time make you a little drowser
than normal so you have to be cautious uh when performing hazardous tasks alcohol the uh of course alcohol can cause drowsiness as can meclizine so the two together it couldn’t alcohol could have a stronger effect on you than you’re used to so it’s recommended that you avoid it also other medications that may cause drowsiness you need to be cautious when combining the two sometimes it can affect asthma the anticholinergic effects of mechazine can worsen asthma occasionally so if you’re asthmatic you run it by your
health care provider prior to using mechazine also glaucoma can be worsened by the anticholinergic effect of meclizine and prostate issues you have to be careful um as mechazine we touched on can cause some urinary retention difficulty in urination and folks with prostate issues sometimes already have that issue i appreciate you reading please like and share my article, See you next morning, Good Bye