Hey do you have a horrible cold and you want to pay 15 bucks for something that barely helps? Try Mucinex. I’m Dr. Shahzad and I created Post Script because I was tired of my patients getting horrible information on the Internet I was kind of joking in the intro about mucinex but kind of not mucinex is like one of those medicines that’s all over the place you go into the big box floor and see whatever’s on your corner and you’ll see like an entire row of mucinex and you’re probably struggling with some cold or
cough and you’re like that’s one of the more expensive medicines so that means it must work right maybe maybe not so what is mucinex the active ingredient is a medicine called Guelph innocent there’s like some cool history that with Ineson was actually made because European explorers came over and Native Americans were using this tree bark that had guaiac in it and that was helping with cough and so eventually got made into a tablet form that you could take called Guelph innocent so what cliff venison does is it pulls water into thick secretions so you got
like all that clammy nasty snotty stuff that’s like sitting and your sinuses dripping down your throat staying in your lungs quo finis in you have to take it with a big glass of water because that’s part of how it works it pulls that water into those secretions thinning them out and then you’re able to call them up sneeze them out whatever it just doesn’t feel like it’s sitting there in your chest does it work it works okay I mean I’ve tried it when I have this stuff and I I think it works a little bit it’s worth a try kind of a
cool fact is that opera singers will sometimes use it to moisten their vocal cords since it pulls water into things they’ll take it if they have like a change in humidity so that’s kind of a neat fact the next thing I want to talk about is the alphabet soup you get with music so you’ll go in there’s like mousse next day night DMD all of these are just the baseline guelph innocent plus something else the night time plus benadryl the daytime plus phenylephrine which is like a blood vessel tightener that stops your nose from
running daytime sinus phenylephrine plus tylenol so it’s all stuff that you probably already have in your medicine cabinet that they’re just putting into one pill so what I tell people is don’t buy like the big-name brands that are like 8 to 15 bucks for a box of them get the generic with finis in if you want to try it and try that if you want to try mucinex try just the active ingredient it’ll be like half the price it’s the same medicine question of the day what are some of the tricks you use when you get a cold to help you feel nice and
fuzzy quickly I’m dr. Shahzad a with PostScript thanks for tuning in, Good Bye